New Hall - Architectural Consultancy
Murray Edwards College, Cambridge

New Hall (Murray Edwards College) is a unique modern grade two star listed Cambridge women’s College designed by Chamberlain Powell and Bon in the 1950s. AC Architects are the college consultant architect and have provided advice on Newhall’s property portfolio and worked with the College and other consultants on many projects including:
Refurbishing and modernising many of its principal rooms as identified in the New Hall Conservation Plan as being of high significance including the Fellows Drawing Room and Fellows Dining Room.
Designing structural glazing over leaking fibreglass hoppers which also provided light to the library.
Works to the Ascension Rectory to provide Fellows studies.
Refurbishment of the College bar
Redesign and upgrade of the Long Room and Ante Room conference facilities
Designed the regeneration of the College’s main entrance court including discreet access ramp, extensive visitor bicycle parking and improved lighting.
The bronze medal winning New Hall “chic” garden at Chelsea Flower Show 2007.
The refurbishment of the Victorian greenhouse.
The new Storey’s Way College entrance and car park..
feasibility studies including a new building for residential accommodation, lecture theatre and seminar room which has now been built.